Sunday, January 14, 2018

Easy Ways to Get Started TODAY!

You've decided that 2018 is your year! You're motivated and ready! If you read my last blog, you know that my advice is to start slow. If you go too hard too fast, you will likely burn out. And if you're anything like me, you're tired of making the same resolutions over and over again.

But where do you start? I'm going to give you 3 things that you can literally start TODAY, to make a permanent lifestyle change!


Even if it's only 15-20 minutes earlier. Did you know that poor sleep is one of the strongest risk factors to gaining fat and having other negative health outcomes (heart disease, anyone?)? *gasp.. closes eyes immediately* There are a number of reasons for this. The most basic reason for you to consider? Less sleep = less energy = less motivation to workout. That's the simplest breakdown of it. If you're too tired to work out, you're not going to.

Additionally, if you go to sleep late, you may snooze that alarm a few more times than intended, making you rush your morning routine. That balanced breakfast you were going to sit down and enjoy? That beautiful healthy lunch you were going to bring to work? Rushed out the door, and forgot them both.

Avoid this, go to bed earlier.


I think this is something we all aspire to do. If you're like me, you're picky about water. I'm super weird about water tastes, so I used to struggle to get my water consumption in. I only like tap water in certain states (TN is not one of them) and I only like certain brands of bottled water. Not to mention all of the environmental & financial implications of drinking only bottled water.

Despite being picky about water, it's still important drink it! Your body is mostly water, which means it NEEDS water to perform daily functions. On top of the cool scientific stuff like transporting nutrients and maintaining body temperature, another reason to drink lots of water is to regulate calories! Having a glass of water before you eat, helps you feel fuller, sooner! It also helps fill those muscles up, improving their overall performance. Trust me, no one wants dry, shriveled up muscles.

How much water should you drink? A good baseline is 1oz per 2lb of body weight. Or an easier way to think of it: divide your weight in half, and drink that many oz. So someone who weighs 150lbs should aim for 75oz.

INCREASE THIS NUMBER WHEN YOU EXERCISE. For every pound you lose during exercise (by the way, this is SWEAT, not fat...), you should drink 2 cups of water!

Having trouble staying hydrated? See my >>Tips to increase your water intake<<

EXERCISE (Start with 15 min, 3x a week)

When people think of exercising, they imagine spending long, grueling hours at a gym, surrounded by equipment they don't know how to use. This does NOT have to be the case! Start with a workout you can do at home, so you don't have to feel awkward in a gym, fumbling with machines you've never seen before.

>>Click here<< for 3 workouts you can do at home in 15 minutes!

IN CONCLUSION Getting to the starting line isn't the difficult part. Pulling the trigger, and actually going is the part we need help on. So now that you have these 3 tips in your pocket, start NOW! USE THEM! If you're struggling to find time for fitness, then my next blog about prioritizing and scheduling is for you. Until then, get out there and get moving!


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