Wednesday, November 8, 2017

3 Week Trim - 1 Week Check In

Aloha friends, and thanks for visiting my blog! Before you start reading this, if you'd rather watch the week 1 recap, click here! But the blog has more details and some goals I have set for the next week. :)

So, I am at the beginning of week 2, and I'm feeling pretty good. Last week really challenged me, as far as workouts go. My normal routine consists of interval training for cardio, but then mostly slow & steady, as far as lifting goes. I try not to let my breaks creep up past 30 seconds, depending on what I'm trying to do (shorter breaks for endurance training, longer breaks for strength building), but generally, my heart rate isn't through the roof, and I'm damp, but definitely not covered in sweat.

THESE WORKOUTS ARE DIFFERENT! Holy smokes. Taking myself on as a Burn Bootcamp client has been a doozy (doozie?), and it's only been a week! I'm honestly so excited to see how my clients can transform because I work out ALL the time, and I'm getting worked. Anyway, these workouts are a lot different than my normal workouts because my heart rate is high the entire time, AND my muscles are getting fatigued.

My diet is pretty good! I need to work on timing it better because some days, I have gone like 5 hours without eating, which is no bueno.. Don't do that.  Realistically, I should be eating every 2-3 hours, and definitely not going over 3.5 hours between meals. This is important for a couple of reasons: 1) Metabolism. When you go a long time without eating, your body starts trying to save calories, just in case you decide to withhold food again. So when you eat often, your body isn't afraid to burn those cals. It knows it will be fed again soon! 2) Getting all of my meals in. If I wait a long time to eat my meals, that means that by the end of the day, I either haven't eaten all of my meals (shorting myself valuable calories... we want a calorie deficit, but we don't want to starve.. see point #1), OR I'm eating super late, right before bed, which is also no good.

So, this week, I will work on eating at appropriate times. I may even set alarms to remind me to eat. Hoping that will help with my progress!

SO. Let's talk about progress. I didn't do the body fat scan because I don't think it's cost effective for my pre-birthday, pre-vacation, pre-holiday budget.. I can use that $30 ($60, if we count every week) toward a massage, some Secret Santa shopping, or toward the tattoo I want for my bday (sorry Mom!) Anyway, I weighed myself and took measurements, so let's jump right in (Although, I think it's too late to say that... I missed the "jump right in" opportunity a couple paragraphs ago):

Weight: 160.7#
Waist (narrowest): 30"
Waist (belly button): 34"
Hips: 40.5"
Thigh: 22.5"

After 1 week:
Weight: 157.6#
Waist (narrowest): 29"
Waist (belly button): 32.75"
Hips: 40.5"
Thigh: 22.5"

So, I lost some weight and about an inch in my midsection. Yay! Hips and thigh didn't budge, but that's pretty standard for me. Not shocked at all. Posting my progress pics below.  I have to be completely honest and tell you, I was NOT happy with the pictures. I pouted, got back in bed, and texted my friends about how upset I was. It was a little dramatic. But, I just felt like I basically killed it this week, had pretty good measurements, and then my side by side didn't reflect that, in my eyes. But, I got over it.. Changed my sports bra, so it matched my first one and little more in style, faked a smile, and took a second set of pictures. Body didn't change, but my attitude did. I have been working hard!! And I see positive changes elsewhere, so I don't need to sulk over not having a major transformation in 7 days.

In the upcoming week, like I said, I'm going to try to make my meal times more consistent, and crank up the intensity of my workouts. This workout style is mentally hard to do alone. In boot camp situation, you have other people cheering you on, or a trainer yelling at you to go. So that's a hurdle I'm going to try to jump this week. Your mind is your worst enemy, but also your BIGGEST tool, when it comes to reaching fitness goals (or goals, in general). I have to work on telling myself to keep going, when I feel like I can't. My workouts this past week consisted of LOTS of water and breathing breaks that I think I could've pushed through, so this week, I'll try to trim those down. Less breaks = higher maintained heart rate = more calories burned = more progress!

So, week two. Let's do it!


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