Wednesday, November 15, 2017

3 Week Trim - 2nd Week Progress

I made it through week 2! As usual, if you prefer to watch your updates, you can head to YouTube.. But if you like details, stay here :)

This past week was pretty good for me. Diet was pretty clean, although I did deviate from the actual meal plan that I set in place.  I still stuck to my macros, and did a better job of eating on a more regular schedule. I did struggle with getting my first meal in, though. When I wake up, I usually just do a bunch of stuff (check emails, social media, sometimes do morning cardio), and then I realize that I've been awake for 2 hours, and I haven't eaten yet. But other than that, I've been better at spacing my meals properly.

Workout wise, I'm definitely NOT killing it. I mean. I'm getting to the gym, not missing workouts or anything, but these things are seriously kicking my butt. I'm having a really hard time getting past the mental barrier of pushing myself harder. As soon as I feel tired, I stop. I try to talk to myself, yell, scream ("Come on! You have to put on that dress!" <<30th bday dress is fire, BTW), but I am for sure feeling the struggle of not having an environment that pushes me past these barriers.

I've started filming my workouts, in hopes that it will motivate me to keep going, but it has only barely worked. So this coming week, I'm just gonna try harder. When I was in college, my roommate/co-captain would ALWAYS say that to each other and to our team. I know you're trying..... but try harder. Period.

Alright. Moving on. Progress!

Week 1
Week 2
157.6#        -3.1
153.8#            -3.8  / -6.9
Waist at narrowest
29”              -1
28.5”               -0.5 / -1.5
Belly button
32.75           -1.25
31.25              -1.5 / -2.75
40.5”            Same
40”                   -0.5 / -0.5
22.5”            Same
22.25”            -0.25 / -0.5

I feel like a super star!! I mean, I know I could still be making more progress, if I would just get it together at the gym, but I feel really happy with this progress for one major reason: I'm not starved and tired all the time. This progress actually feels like something that I can maintain because it isn't a chore. Yeah, when I prep for competitions, I get more rapid results, but I'm also mentally and physically BEAT. It's something that cannot and honestly should not be maintained in long term situations. So the fact that I am making this type of progress doing something that I feel like I can actually do in my "real" life, is awesome! No signs of a relapse here!

I was talking to my mom last week about fitness and goals, and she said something that I really appreciated and that I want for myself and all of my clients! "I don't plan to be miserable about food for the rest of my life. I refuse to feel guilty about any slip ups. My weight is where I want it to be. I just want to get stronger at this point."

Cue the bells!! I loved this! And that is exactly why I'm SO pumped on my progress, even though it's not the fastest transformation I've made. I feel like I'm mentally in a place where I'm happy with what I'm doing, I'm not dreading eating healthy (although I rarely actually dread it because I'm a great cook lol), but if I decide to have a treat meal (uh.. Red Lobster?), I can do that without 1) going completely wild, and 2) feeling like I've ruined myself.

This week has been a good one for me! I feel strong and consistent. Now I just need to get stronger! That's always the goal, right? I eventually want to be a Burn Athlete, which means I have to complete the strength and conditioning test in under 10 minutes (my record is 11:12), and I need to be at 15% BF or less.. So, we'll see how long it takes to get there.. But until then, I'm gonna focus on the immediate task at hand.

It's so weird. I've always considered myself a very mentally in-tune person. I am pretty self aware, I can motivate myself, I don't get stage/performance fright, I take criticism well. But HOLY smokes, this is a different ball game. Pushing myself through what feels like a breaking point has really proven to be a challenge for me w/these boot camp style workouts. So I'll cross the Burn Athlete bridge when I get there. For now, I'm gonna try to really elevate my mental capabilities and really blast through these workouts!

Week 3, I'm coming for you!

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